Jumping onboard the NFT hype!

Trim render partners up with NFT experts to deliver custom made unique collections.

Non fungible tokens are gaining traction in the digital space.

After weeks of hard work on our Zen garden collection we have learned a lot about the NFT space and how Trim render can level up our service to deliver the opportunity for our clients to participate in this new space.

We found that non fungible tokens can be a great asset to add to the services we offer.

I’m sure that by now you have heard of the word more than once and wondered what’s all the hype about.

We will dive a little bit into how NFTs can work for your architectural marketing needs.

We have since through the last year or two how important it is to have a digital presence online. Specially if you want to market your architectural project. We have had clients that sold projects to investors just by hiring our service and showcasing a rendering of the project. No architect, no construction.

We attribute some of the success to our high quality renderings and presentations.

We want to keep up with delivering the best solutions and keeping up with what the digital and architectural market demands.

Our recent project zen garden offers one of our biggest clients the opportunity to participate in this market.

The main idea of this project was to create a collection that could communicate the idea of tranquile gardens and spaces surrounded by nature.

We decided that a great approach would be to showcase surreal environments that could mimic the feeling of being submerged in these lush spaces.

This would allow us to create images that would be more interesting and aid in capturing the audience’s attention. Hence gaining popularity in the NFT space.

This collection has been a great success and the client was able to multiply their investment 3x from inception of the project. Not only that but they were able to tap into a market that is growing super fast and stand out from the competition as innovative and trendy.

We are very happy to launch our first NFT project and look forward to many more to come in the future.

At trim we are always thinking outside the box and looking for new ways that we can market your projects and make your investment become a profitable reality.


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